Monday, 16 June 2014

Alberta flood 2013 anniversary – Stories of courage, desolation

It has been one year since Alberta surge 2013, when rain beat the foothills of the southern Rockies - overwhelming, constant rain more average of a typhoon than a late-spring shower.
In Canmore, more than 200 millimeters fell in 2 1/2 days, 10 times the measure of a commonplace precipitation that time of year.
A torrent of floodwater from the headwaters of the Bow and Elbow waterways cleared through lanes and homes in such groups as Exshaw, Bragg Creek, High River and inevitably through the heart of downtown Calgary and on to Medicine Hat.
 Flood damage restoration services

Upwards of 100,000 individuals scrabbled for higher ground any way they could - in kayaks and vessels, in the backs of consolidates or in the scoop of a front-end loader. Some swam for their lives.

In the repercussions, there was misery and despondency. In the weeks that emulated, there was flexibility and determination. There's still outrage regardless there's trepidation, yet much has been remade. Here are the stories of four individuals who survived Alberta's surge of floods, cleaned things up and carried on:

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